-- top --
Messier --
NGC --
Schiefspiegler --
Mars --
OS/2|PS/2 --
other --
The Messier Marathon community mourns the loss of
Don Machholz
(October 7, 1952 - August 9, 2022), co-inventor and record-breaking
Messier Marathoner.
Don Machholz commemorative site
Messier Marathoners: If not already done so, please
contribute your
or earlier)
Messier Marathon Holders:
Please notify us of any scheduled events
for the
Messier Marathon 2025!
A.J. Crayon's Analysis of Messier Marathons, as of April 27, 2015 -
A.J.'s First Analysis as of 2011
Messier Features
Supernovae in Messier Catalog Galaxies -
Supernova 2023dbc in M108 and 2023ixf in M101
Perseverance Mars 2020 Rover
and Ingenuity helicopter doing science on Mars surface
Observe Mars during its
2024-2025 apparition!
Webmasters: Semi-recent updates for linking our pages
Spider's Homepage
-- ... always under construction,
but growing older and hopefully better as time goes by ... --
Major Projects
The Messier Pages at SEDS
Messier Marathon homepage
Constellation Pages
and Maps Pages Mirror at SEDS
of Chris Kronberg's
Other pages and services
NGC Online:
Searchable index for the NGC 2000 catalog, with some features.
Spider's HOT links (Astronomy, space, and other)
A Guide to the Deepsky Astronomy Resources at SEDS
Some hopefully useful lists:
Some more informations:
Most of the stuff here is astronomy and space, but there's also a bit on
IBM's OS/2:
Some Arizona stuff
Nice Webpages for Lynx (Web hints)
Some Earthlings (animals)
- Spiders in Space
Send me info on beautiful images
of astronomical objects and space stuff (Messiers, above all) not yet on
Some personal information
If there is
no response to your email for some time ..
Because of massive amounts of work pending, responses to any kind of
correspondence may be significantly delayed (actually so significantly that
I think this note is required - don't wonder or worry if it should take
months in some cases). Nevertheless, your input is appreciated.
Also, updates of these webpages are still in slow mode with a long queue of
stuff waiting to be worked in; sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
© 1995 to current Spider
(Hartmut Frommert)
... but free for non-profit use ...
See my .sig (clickable)