List of sites holding images of the SL9-Jupiter crash
compiled by Hartmut Frommert
.. finally available as HTML file !
Also available as ascii file
Former "Preliminary list of sites holding images of the SL9-Jupiter crash",
27th edition. No more preliminary since the 17th edition, but:
- corrections, updates, and additions welcome (STILL !!)
Thanks to Chris Lewicki, this file has found a very good home on the
famous ftp server ftp.seds.org (now accessible as web archive,
Formerly, it could be accessed as follows:
- Anon ftp, including FTP-Mail, e.g. to ftpmail@seds.org
- Gopher to www.seds.org, go to
"SEDS ANONYMOUS FTP SITE (FTP.SEDS.ORG) | astro | SL9 | sl9-list"
- On a WWW client, the URL is (still!)
(the newest version always)
Thanks to Christine Kronberg, the SL9 list has found a second home at the
Munich Astro Archive, http://www.maa.clell.de/,
where it can be accessed by HTTP (Web browsers) as
- http://www.maa.clell.de/SL9/sl9-list.html
(html format) or
- http://www.maa.clell.de/SL9/sl9-list.txt
(plain ascii format).
European users should profit from the faster access to this place in Germany.
Chris Kronberg of the MAA and me are still looking for results of amateur
observations of the SL9 impact; please contribute your observations and
results ! We are particularly interested in well evaluated results; please
notify me !
They are going online at:
Although the SL9 scene has calmed down, there is still considerable motion,
as things get organized in a more or less final form. Thus I still collect
further sites, corrections, and other SL9-related stuff.
Question marks mark sites I could not reach, exclamation marks those I have
changed (new or modified, i.e. site name or directory changed).
!! http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~sprague/planatmos/sl9b.html (Water by SL9)
# now only accessible by http
tycho.la.asu.edu: /pub/sci.astro.hubble/comet/
# now only accessible by http
aaoepp.aao.gov.au: /aatcomet/
aaoepp.aao.gov.au: /comet_levy/
ftp.dgs.monash.edu.au: /pub/jupiter-sl9/
ftp.bdl.fr: /pub/images/
nadia.ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp: /bitmaps/SL9/
!! http://www.ncc.com/cdroms/sl9/ (SL9 info from NCC, e.g. on their CD-ROM)
- sold out -
!! http://www.ncc.com/cdroms/sl9/sl9_sites.html
http://www.amara.com/sl9/sl9.html (Amara Graps' SL9 stuff)
Mailing List: (total section)
sl9 at seds.org
When SL9 smashed into Jupiter, there was a frequented mailing list devoted
to it (sl9 at seds.org).
Comet SL9 homepage at JPL (
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/sl9/) was one of the first webpages in the world
which topped 7 million accesses (March 1996) ! During the comet impact week
of July 16-22, 1994, the Comet SL9 home page became the most accessed home
page in the world with over 1.1 million accesses (this rate was not surpassed
until Galileo's arrival at planet Jupiter in early December 1995).
The page is still being updated with the latest news and images
on the aftermath of the comet impacts with Jupiter. With over 1,440 images,
this home page has the world's largest collection of comet impact images
available on the Internet.
Ron Baalke <baalke at kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov> (various messages 1994-96)
Find links to more comet pages at
www.seds.org: /pub/astro/SL9/images/recent
caramba.cs.tu-berlin.de: 1/pub/astro/images/SL-9/
crux.astr.ua.edu: /astro-stuff/comet-sl9/
ftp.tamu.edu: /pub/comet/ (infos and images)
oposite.stsci.edu: /pubinfo/comet/gif,/pubinfo/comet/jpeg (Hubble images)
ftp.jpl.nasa.gov: /pub/images/sl9/
nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov: /pub/sl9/image/
ftp.fce.vutbr.cz: /pub/images/astro/SL9/ (mirrors several major sources)
? ftp.zlin.vutbr.cz: /pub/astro/comets/c1993e/
ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de: /pub/astro/images/SL-9/
garbo.uwasa.fi: /pc/gifslevy/
ftp.riken.go.jp: /pub/misc/astro/SL9/images/recent/ (mirrors SEDS)
ftp-hst.ast.cam.ac.uk: hst/pictures/comet-sl9/ (Most STSci + other images)
!!http://purcellmf.home.comcast.net/astro/csl.htm (M Purcell's SL9 photos)
http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/images/sl9/ (UH 2.2m and IRTF images)
!!http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~sprague/planatmos/sl9b.html (Water by SL9)
http://astro.nmsu.edu/~nchanove/jupcal/jupitercal.html Jupiter Calibration
? http://www.ctio.noao.edu/neat/sl9.html CTIO images
!!http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~pmurphy/patsl9.html (Pat Murphy's SL9 page, NRAO)
http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/Comet.html (Main STScI WWW site)
http://www.physics.sfasu.edu/astro/sl9.html (SL9 FAQ and some pix)
http://www.astro.ucla.edu/irlab/research/jupiter.htm (UCLA IR images)
http://scruffy.phast.umass.edu/Whately/sl9.html (IR observations)
http://www.as.utexas.edu/mcdonald/comet/sl9.html (McDonald Images)
http://cometography.com/pcomets/1993f2.html (Gary Kronk's SL9 page)
http://www.llnl.gov/jupiter/comet.html (L. Livermore Nat. Lab., Lick pics)
https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/comet.html (NSSDC)
https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/sl9/comet_images.html (NSSDC, images)
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/sl9/image1.html (Hubble image before crash)
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/sl9/ (Over 1,440 images !)
http://www.astrosociety.org/education/publications/tnl/27/27.html (ASP Teachers' Newsletter on SL9)
http://www.eso.org/epr/info-events/sl9/ (ESO images)
http://www.eso.org/epr/info-events/sl9/images/ (ESO images)
http://files.seds.org/pub/astro/SL9/images/recent/ALL/ (former ftp archive)
http://files.seds.org/pub/astro/SL9/animations/saao.mpg (Animation A crash)
http://files.seds.org/pub/astro/SL9/sl9-list.txt (!! this list !!)
http://archive.seds.org/sl9-impact/impacts.html (SL9 impact image browser)
http://www.seds.org/~rme/sl9.html (SL9 Science Results, R.M. Elowitz)
http://spider.seds.org/sl9-list.txt (!! this list !!)
http://archive.seds.org/sl9/sl9www.html (based on this list, html page)
http://nineplanets.org/sl9.html (SL9 in Bill Arnett's Nine Planets tour)
http://www.maa.clell.de/SL9/sl9.html (Munich Astronomy Archive)
http://www.maa.clell.de/SL9/Html/amateur.html Amateur image collection (MAA)
http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~ofunke/SL9/doc_fr.html (Effelsberg radio pix)
http://www.vilspa.esa.es/sl9/ (IUE images)
http://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/gifslevy.html (SL9 images)
http://www.bdl.fr/s2p/sl9.html (images by Pic du Midi Observatory, France)
http://www.astrophoto.fr/legault/sl9.html (French amateur pics)
http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/sl9.html (CDS Uni Strasbourg)
http://graffiti.u-bordeaux.fr/MAPBX/roussel/astro20e.html (Comet directory)
http://www.rarf.riken.go.jp/sl9/ (mirrors SEDS)
"SL9:IMPACT '94 CD-ROM": Sold Out!
Files: 714 images, 50 animations, 814 texts
Software: OS/2, Dos, Win, Mac
URL: http://www.ncc.com/cdroms/sl9/
"Astronomie Software Service":
Pre-Impact images, animations, texts (released July 94)
Software: OS/2, Dos, Win, Atari
(this disk contains also general [non-SL9] astronomy stuff)
Info: roth at ph-cip.uni-koeln.de (Daniel Roth)
Over 1000 images, text files
Software: Dos, Win, Atari
Info: roth at ph-cip.uni-koeln.de (Daniel Roth)
"Shoemaker-Levi Comet Collision with Jupiter":
Files: over 350 images, 16 animations
Software: Win, Mac (advertised in the mags)
Geppetto & Son Inc, Phone: (800)269-2605 (USA only), Fax +1(303)346-4003
"The Jupiter Impact":
Hundreds of images (gif, [probably Windows] bmp, pict), several animations
Software: Win, Mac
ASP, Catalog Department, 390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112, USA
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP)
25 slide set, "The Jupiter Impact" (AS 230)
Some slides are also included in the Keck Observatory series (AS 225)
and pre-impact images in the HST Repair Mission set (AS 319).
Address: 390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112, USA
e-mail: asp at stars.sfsu.edu (customer correspondence)
Phone: +1 (415) 337 2624, Toll free (U.S. only): 800 335 2624
Fax: +1 (415) 337 5205
URL: http://www.astrosociety.org/
Holiday Film Corporation
20 slide set, of HST images of the impact (20-HST4)
Address: P.O.Box 619, 12607 E. Philadelphia St., Whittier, CA 90608, USA
Phone: Toll free (U.S. only): 800 345 6707
Fax: +1 (310) 693 4756
URL: http://finley-holiday.com/
Sky Publishing Corporation
19 slide set, "Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9" (S0109) - currently out of stock
Address: P.O.Box 9111, Belmont, MA 02178-9111, USA
Phone: +1 (617) 864 7360, Toll free (U.S. only): 800 253 0245
Fax: +1 (617) 864 6117
URL: http://www.skypub.com/
"Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Crashes on Jupiter". Roger W. Tuthill, Inc. 25 min
VHS/NTSC. Advertised in the mags.
Formerly, this list had been posted to the newsgroups below. Because of the longer
time passed now, we only post an update notice for the current edition.
Listserv Lists:
Historical FTP and Gopher as well as current
Archive at SEDS,
WWW Archive at the MAA
Home of this html file: http://spider.seds.org/sl9-list.html
Home of ascii version: http://spider.seds.org/sl9-list.txt
Thanks to all contributors !
Hartmut Frommert