Supernova 1006

Supernova in Lupus
Remnant: G327.6+14.6 (PKS 1459-41)

Right Ascension 15 : 02.8 (h:m)
Declination -41 : 57 (deg:m)
Distance (kly)
Visual brightness -9 +/- 1 (mag)

In spring 1006 A.D., medieval people living sufficiently south were surprised by the brightest "new star" ever recorded in historic times. Although its exact position could only be figured out recently by finding its nebulous remnant, it was recorded by observers (often astrologers) in Europe, China, Japan, Egypt and Iraq, to have occurred near the star Beta Lupi, on the border to Centaurus. Chinese astrologers apparently has trouble in finding its "omen category", according to Burnham.

The supernova was probably seen first on April 30, 1006, according to records from the Far East (China and Japan). It was of apparently yellow color. It was visible for over a year, which indicates that the supernova was probably of type II.

The remnant of this supernova was only rediscovered by radio astronomers in the 1960s.

  • G327.6+14.6/SNR 1006 references from the Catalogue of Galactic SNRs by Dave Green
  • "A Unique Look Inside a Supernova", by William P. Blair, features the SNR 1006 far UV observations with the HUT of the Astro-2 Space Shuttle mission
  • ASCA image of SNR 1006

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    Hartmut Frommert [contact]