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[JaFu1] | [JaFu2]

Planetary Nebulae JaFu 1 & JaFu 2
The Ultimate Planetary Nebula Challenge?

by Doug Snyder


Chart Credit: AAS, 1997AJ....114.2611J

Note: The use of large aperture telescopes (20" +), OIII filters, and dark, transparent skies is encouraged!

1. JaFu 1: Located in the constellation of Ophiuchus, this planetary was not discovered until 1997. It is hiding near the main concentration of stars that make up the globular cluster Palomar 6 (Pal 6). The estimated Visual magnitude of Pal 6 is 11.6. Finder charts for the PNe are included, and

Here is a (negative) observation report from Kent Wallace:

JaFu 1 (near globular cluster Palomar 6)
17,44.0 -26,12
MAG ? SIZE 8" on 08/21/00. No luck. Did identify the field from Doug Snyder's finderchart but it was really tough. Tried the O-III, UHC & H-B filters at 245X, 363X & 529X. Kent Wallace, Navaho Flats, California, 20" f/5 reflector.

Kent Wallace has provided a finder chart for locating the globular Pal 6, as most of the Palomar GC's are certainly challenging in themselves. It will be noticed in the above chart that the diameter of JaFu 1 is stated as 8 arcsec. I have not obtained any magnitude data on either of these planetaries (as yet).

Here is Kent's finder chart for Pal 6:


Here are two finder charts for JaFu 1:



2. JaFu 2: Located in the constellation Scorpius, this planetary was not discovered until 1997. It is hiding near the core concentration of stars that make up the globular cluster NGC6441. The estimated Visual magnitude of NGC6441 is 7.2. It will be noticed in the above chart that the diameter of JaFu 2 is stated as 4.9 arcsec. I have not obtained any magnitude data on this planetary (as yet).

Here is a (negative) observation report from Kent Wallace:

Jafu 2 (located in globular cluster NGC 6441)
17,50.2 -37,03
MAG ? SIZE 5" on 08/21/00. No luck. Tried 134X, 169X, 254X, 363X & 529X and the O-III, UHC & H-B filters. Could identify the field with stars 2 & 3 in Doug Snyder's finderchart. Kent Wallace, Navaho Flats, California, 20" f/5 reflector.

Here is a finder chart for JaFu 2 (I hope to produce a better one):

Use the numbered stars to zero in on the planetary's position


Author: Doug Snyder

[MW Globulars] | [Palomar 6] | [NGC 6441]
Hartmut Frommert [contact]