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Planetary Nebula Sampler
< [NGC 2346]
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NGC 2371
This nebula also has an obvious bipolar appearance. Note the pair of faint
"polar caps" to the upper right and lower left which represent polar outflows,
probably due to stellar winds constrained by the equatorial torus.
Shape: "butterfly" shaped, also "bi-lobed".
Location: Constellation Gemini
RA: 07 25 34.76 DEC: +29 29 26.2
Size: 55" diameter
Abundances/Description: also called the "Gemini Nebula" and the "Peanut
Discoverer: Herschel (18th century), however, it was not identified as
a PN until 1917 by Pease.
Author: George Jacoby
Planetary Nebula Sampler
Hartmut Frommert
[Planetary Nebulae index]