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Supernova 386

Supernova in Sagittarius
Remnant: G11.2-0.3

Right Ascension 18 : 11 : 27 (h:m:s)
Declination -19 : 25 (deg:m)
Distance 14.3 (kly)
Visual brightness (mag)

This presumable SN was reported in Chinese resources.

The favorite SNR candidate is G11.2-0.3, at the coordinates given above. This SNR has a size of about 4 arc min, corresponding to a linear extension of about 16 light-years.

  • SIMBAD Data for Supernova 386

    [Supernova Stuff] | [Constellations] | [SEDS] | [MAA]

    Hartmut Frommert [contact]