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Supernova 185

Supernova in Centaurus
Remnant: G315.4-2.3 (RCW 86, MSH 14-63) or G320.4-1.2 (RCW 89, MSH 15-52)

Right Ascension 14 : 43.1 (h:m)
Declination -62 : 28 (deg:m)
Distance 8.2 (kly)
Visual brightness -2 (mag)

Two supernova remnants lie close to the position of supernova 185 AD:

                    RA           Dec           Con
SN 185              14:43.1      -62:28        Cen
G315.4-2.3, RCW 86  14:45:02.30  -62:20:32.00  Cir
G320.4-1.2, RCW 89  15:13:35     -59:00:12     Cen
Estimates of age yield about 2,000 years for RCW 86, about 1,700 years for RCW 89, thus both at about the age of SN 185. Newer investigations, including work with the Chandra X-ray Observatory satellite, seem to favor the first of these SNRs, RCW 86.

  • SIMBAD Data for Supernova 185 (RCW 86)
  • SIMBAD Data for RCW 89

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    Hartmut Frommert [contact]