Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on Mars

[First Mars Look]

Spirit's first look on Mars (Jan 4)

[Spirit seen from MGS]

Spirits landing site as seen from Mars Global Surveyor. Note the various hardware pieces and the bouncing sites. (Jan 23)

[Mosaic Top-View of Spirit]

First self-portrait showing Spirit (Jan 4)

[Another self-portrait]

Another self-portrait (Jan 4)

[First Color Image]

Spirit's First Color Image (Jan 6)

[Wind-polished rocks]

Detail: Wind-polished rocks (Jan 6)

[Martian Horizon]

Martian Horizon (Jan 6)

[Detailed View]

Very detailed color view of Mars' surface (Jan 6)

[Airbag trails]

Airbag trails (Jan 7)

[Sundial on Mars]

Sundial on Mars (Jan 8)

[Martian Surface at an Angle]

Martian Surface at an Angle (Jan 8)

[Spirit lowers Wheels]

Spirit lowers Wheels (Jan 9)

[Spirit stand-up]

Spirit stand-up (Jan 9)

[Spirit's US flag on Mars]

Spirit's US flag on Mars (Jan 9)

[Spirit's Way down to Mars]

Spirit's Way down to Mars (Jan 11)

[Color Panorama]

Full color panorama - left half - right half - detail (Jan 12)

[Spirit's travel plan]

Spirit's travel plan (Jan 13)

[East hills]

East hills, a possible destination for Spirit (Jan 13)

[Spirit ready to egress]

Spirit ready to egress (Jan 14)

[Spirit's lander platform]

Spirit's lander platform - after rolldown (Jan 15)

[Spirit's instrument arm]

Spirit's instrument arm - microscopic investigation of Martian soil (Jan 16)

[A Rock Called 'Adirondack']

A Rock Called 'Adirondack', Spirit's first target for close inspection (Jan 19)

[Spirit's Arm Investigates the Rock]

Spirit's Arm as it investigates the rock 'Adirondack' - yielding surprising results (Jan 20)

[Spirit's Empty Mars Lander]

Spirit's Empty Mars Lander, the Columbia Memorial Station, at Gusev Crater, Mars, as photographed with spirit's panoramic camera on the 16th martian day, or sol, of the mission (Jan. 18/19, 2004).

  • More Press Release Images on Spirit, JPL

  • 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Home
  • Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity on Mars

    Hartmut Frommert [contact]

    [Mars] | [Spider] @ [SEDS]

    Last Modification: January 25, 2004