Deep Sky Color Photographs by David Malin of the Anglo Australian Observatory

The images linked in this page are all copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only. For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on CD-ROM, please contact the Photo Permissions Department (photo at of the Anglo Australian Observatory

The following list is after David Malin's list at the AAO web server.

Colour Photographs from the 3.9m AAT

Colour Photographs from the 1.2m UK Schmidt Telescope (UKS)

Colour Photographs from the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT)

Colour Photographs from the Hale 5m Telescope (Mt. Palomar)

New CCD images from the AAT

Tektronics CCD TAURUS Imager MIT/Lincoln Labs CCD

New star trails and nightsky pictures

  • This list is also available ordered by NGC and IC number

    Also note our collection of AAT images of Messier objects

    Hartmut Frommert [contact]

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