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The Tri-Schiefspiegler Telescope

"It is believed that Anton Kutter has already designed a three-mirror schiefspiegler,..."; wrote Richard Buchroeder in Dec. 1969. That proved true, but Dick Buchroeder had gotten the priority of first publication. Presented as a "three-mirror telescope" at the August 1969 Nationwide Amateur Astronomers convention in Denver, the name Tri-Schiefspiegler wouldn't come until publication of Kutter's design in 1975, nine years after Anton Kutter had solved the three-mirror system through manual calculation.

The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge:

Richard Wessling at the business end of his observatory mounted 12 1/2" Buchroeder Tri-Schiefspiegler. Dick reports that on nights of excellent seeing the images of the moon and planets are unbelievably good. Nebulae and double stars are equally superb due to the lack of a secondary obstruction.
Dick's Tri-Schief uses an innovative, rotatable diagonal mirror to offer a choice of comfortable viewing positions. Schematic here. Further information on this design can be found in Telescope Making #28. Dick's optical prowess was legendary.
Giovanni Ariot mounted the mirrors for a Buchroeder design Tri-Schiefspiegler on this provisional structure. The optics for the 300mm Tri-Schief were given to him by a friend after they were found to have not met design specifications. With the help of design software, Giovanni found the arrangement which yielded an aberration free image. Click thumbnail to enlarge.
Alfredo Zanazzo recently completed this 12.5 inch Tri-Schiefspiegler of Dick Buchroeder's design. While similar to the telescope published in TM #28, the focuser section differs slightly from that of Richard Wessling's telescope. The instrument is mounted on a terrace with a roll-away housing. This gives an unhindered 360 degree view.
Richard Buchroeder with his innovative, three-mirror telescope at the Denver convention in 1969.
"Every year Al has a different telescope on that mount!" was overheard at AstroFest. This versatile fork mount was presented as a construction project in "Telescope Making" #30. Plans for the pictured 6" Kutter Tri-Schiefspiegler can be found in issue #16 of the same magazine. - Photo courtesy of A.L.Woods

Author: David Stevick
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Curator: Hartmut Frommert [contact]
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