* * Winspot - Spot Plotter for windows - based on Spotplot for DOS * * New in V0.95c Measurement system defaults to the locale at boot up. Added "Save Changes" dialog when closing. New in V0.95b Winspot is now locale aware. The displayed decimal separator will be that set for the locale in Windows. Both the period & comma are accepted as decimal separators for input. A scaling function has been added. An option to enter the designer's name which will display in the title bar after the file name. Ability to auto-enter the "best focal curve" into the design by pressing 'B'. Bug fixes: Fixed F7/F8 & F9/F10 bugs for metric designs. Fixed a buffer overflow which caused designs with long file names to not print correctly. Added (back) shadows to some text that disappeared during an earlier code modification. ************* New in V0.95a Added better checking of files to gracefully handle malformed ones. This may include files from a future unicode version of Winspot. ************* New in V0.94a Fixed a typo in the Version Info information. ************ New in V0.94 Fixed a launch through association bug when the path and filename was quoted before being passed to Winspot. This version fixes that. ************* New in V0.93b Up-down arrows are available in the editing box for angles. This allows the 'ratcheting' of angles up and down simply by clicking the mouse. The ratchet sensitivity is selectable. More real time moving of the image screen has been added. The focus can be tilted (F7/F8), curved (F9/F10), as well as the already existing focusing (F11/F12). This is a nice feature for those wishing to verify the numbers delivered by the program. Winspot can now be launched from a file association with any .sp file. It is up to you to create the association if you want it. Winspot will never wedge itself into windows without your knowledge. The latest version of Winspot will always be found at: http://bhs/broo.k12.wv.us/homepage/alumni/dstevick/software.htm (archived at: http://spider.seds.org/scopes/dstevick/software.html) Matching source is always available.